Mindfulness & Counseling

Just prior to the session
I drop my mind into my heart.

This way I can bring presence
into the encounter between
myself & the other being.

There is a silence.

I am holding a vigil –
watching & listening
for the signs of:

openness & clarity
meaning & purpose
unity & wholeness.

People often pass over
the important message –
the painful, sad & scary thing
or the tender, joyous thing.

But we can train ourselves
to simply notice
the sparkle of a glance
the timbre of a phrase,
that felt-sense of there it is.

We can gently focus into
the moment that reveals
what is really happening.

This practice creates a space
that allows the unknowns,
the hidden secret treasures,
to emerge from the depths.

It is basic consciousness
that illuminates & integrates
& brings the self to peace.

This way the client becomes
fully aware of their own

authentic intentions,
genuine impulses,
personal essence,
original nature.

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