

Over the past couple of decades
I have talked with a thousand or so
students & clients about their lives –

“Who are you really? And
why are you in this world?”

There is an emerging profile –

We just know some things.
We just feel some things.
We are finding our own way.

We are also developing sensitivities.
Maybe you can’t stand the Mall any more?
I can’t seem to handle as much caffeine.

And authenticity is becoming essential.
Work, Love, Self – It has to be Real.

Many of us are finding that we need:

1. our spirituality to be universal
not so bound by sectarian doctrines;

2. our relationships to be partnerships
honest, respectful & free of coercion;

3. our vocation to be adventurous
serving deeper meaning & purpose.

The shifts we are going through
can appear as stress, loss or crisis.

But these changes are really about
becoming what we are meant to be.

(The photo is of my
parked at one of
my favorite offices.)

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